What are EN standards and why do they matter in the fight against Covid-19

What are EN standards and why do they matter in the fight against Covid-19
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What are EN standards and why do they matter in the fight against Covid-19

We are all concerned with how to prevent the spread of coronavirus but how does wiping surfaces and covering our hands in what smells like tequila actually help? Here at Buyaparcel we have put together a short guide to help.

EN14476 – The really important one.
This European standard is often referred to these days as "the Coronavirus test". Any product with this certification is tested to evaluate the virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants intended for use in the medical area.

Simply put, Covid-19 (or Coronavirus disease) is a disease caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. If a hygiene product conforms to EN14476, it means it is certified to kill SARS-CoV-2, thus providing an effective weapon in the fight against Covid-19.

The product will also kill the following viruses: Poliovirus type 1, Adenovirus type 5 and murine norovirus.

Uniwipe ULTRAGRIME 5930 anti-bac wipes are certified to EN 14476 and proven to kill 99.999% of bacteria within 30 seconds, and SARS-CoV-2 in 60 seconds.

Uniwipe Ultragrime Anti Bac Large Cleaning Surface Wipes Hand Wipes X100 PACK

EN1276 – The well known one.
BS EN 1276 is the European standard for the bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants as proof of effective infection control against harmful micro-organisms such as MRSA, Salmonella, E.Coli, Flu Virus (H1N1) and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. In order to pass this standard, products must have been tested by an independent laboratory and must prove a bacterium kill rate of 99.999% within 5 minutes.

This standard has been in place since 1997. It means the product kills some very nasty bugs such as MRSA and the flu virus but is not tested specifically against Covid-19.

This protection can come in the form or wipes, liquids, sprays and gels. Such as below.
Uniwipe 1020 Clinical Wipes
Scan SCAHSPOCKET Pocket Spray Hand Sanitiser
Gorilla MAX+ 80% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Gel Dispenser

Gorilla MAX+ 80% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Gel Dispenser WHO Approved Formula 1

EN1500 – The handy one.
The EN 1500 is a European standard test method that evaluates the efficacy of a hygienic handrub, by measuring the number of viable bacteria remaining on the fingertips after contamination and handrub exposure. A handrub is defined as a treatment that involves rubbing the hands without the addition of water, such as the products mentioned below.
Drip and Drop 53520982 Hand Sanitiser
Scan SCAHSPOCKET Pocket Spray Hand Sanitiser
Gorilla MAX+ 80% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Gel Dispenser

Buyaparcel Cleaning Wipes

Some other sanitising top tips.
1) You shouldn’t dry a surface straight after wiping. The surface or hands should be allowed to dry naturally.
2) Most products can clean and disinfect, but if the surface is really dirty you should really clean it before sanitising it for best results.
3) Treat soft surfaces like carpet or fabric with caution and the correct product. The reason for this is fabrics or textiles suck up moisture, so they don’t stay wet long enough for the chemicals to work in killing germs. These types of surfaces are where germs, including viruses like COVID-19 tend to stay around the longest.
4) Wipes should be stored at room temperature. If they get too warm, such as in a hot car, they could dry out.

Studies have shown that COVID-19 can survive on some hard surfaces for up to three days. This highlights the need to regularly sanitise surfaces that people touch and regularly sanitise your hands.

Surfaces that need regular sanitising include:
Door handles
Light Switches
Computer Keyboard and Mouse
Desks / Tables / Worktops
Coffee Machine Buttons
Lift / Elevator Buttons
Remote Controls