Makita Celebrates 100 Years

Makita Celebrates 100 Years
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Makita Celebrates 100 Years

Makita UK is celebrating 100 years in the industry where they have been an innovative leader and a manufacturer of best in class products. Founded in 1915 as a small repair shop in Nagoya, Japan, Makita then expanded across the globe and are now present in over 150 countries.

Makita have always been at the forefront of pushing the power tool boundaries by increasing torque outputs, reducing overall weight and size of units, extending battery life and shortening charge times. This has seen the company’s market share rise consistently throughout the years to become Britain’s number 1 professional power tool manufacturer.

At the same time as reaching this 100 year benchmark, they have also reached another significant milestone – 100 different cordless power tools that all use the same 18 volt lithium ion battery. This means that if a Makita power tool owner has only one 18v Makita Lithium-Ion battery they could still power 100 different products with that single battery! This is confidently believed to be the largest inventory of power tools ever manufactured by one company that fits one single battery format.

The battery range includes 2.0Ah, 3.0Ah, 4.0Ah and now 5.0Ah variants. The latest development in this rich saga is the twin-18v concept where two 18v Lithium-Ion batteries are employed to power one tool and deliver a mighty 36v of power.

The cordless power tool range includes just about every power tools you can think of from entry level drill drivers and impact tools, to screwdrivers, staplers, planers, jointers, circular saws, in fact saws of every type, sanders, grinders, blowers, radios, torches, vacuum cleaners and even a coffee maker, and every single product is bursting with the most advanced innovations and technologies to ensure maximum performance with comfort and safety guaranteed.

Then of course there is the rapidly expanding grounds maintenance, landscaping and gardening range for grounds care contractors, professional gardeners and domestic users offering Lithium-Ion battery powered hedge trimmers, mowers, chainsaws and grass trimmers.

We are pleased to be an authorised dealer of such a historic yet innovative global company. Happy Birthday Makita!

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