Sika Multi Stick Waterproof Grab Adhesive 100kg Bonding Strength White 350ml X6

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Sika Multi-Stick is an exciting new grab adhesive based on new SPUR technology (Silyl-terminated PUR technology).
This superior adhesive has the ability to bond virtually anything to everything in both wet and dry conditions, and even underwater or in the rain. With incredible initial grab, high bonding strength, and almost limitless applications and other benefits, no tradesman should be without a tube of this next generation adhesive. Think of any bonding application and it is virtually certain Sika Multi-Stick will handle it with ease. Sika Multi-Stick is capable of bonding to almost all materials, porous and non-porous, such as GLASS, MARBLE, GRANITE, MIRRORS, BRICKS, STONE, PLASTERBOARD, CONCRETE, ALL METALS, ALL HARD PLASTIC, CERAMICS, FIBREGLASS, TIMBER & MUCH, MUCH MORE, including applications underwater.



Primerless adhesion to all common building substrates, porous and non-porous.
Internal and External use.
Fast curing.
Solvent free.
Virtually odourless.
Low dirt pick up.
Excellent break off and tooling.
Weather resistant.
UV resistant.
Chemical resistant.
Service temperature resistance (-50oC to +100oC).
Suitable for use with glass, lead, polycarbonate, and acrylic sheets.

Areas For Use

As a high quality nail replacement adhesive, even to damp surfaces.
Bonding mirrors to most common substrates.
Jointing cladding panels.
Bonding difficult materials such as specialised polymer systems, metals and fibreglass
Any application requiring high performance, durable bonding.
Applications where resistance to chemical spillage is required (garage forecourts etc.)


Use on overhead applications Always use in conjunction with mechanical fixings.
Use in conjunction with mechanical fixings for glass block fitting or large mirrors (>0.5m2 total area)
For heavy items, provide temporary support until adhesive has dried.
In areas of high UV; some darkening/discolouration may occur. This does not affect the performance.
Overpaintability: check compatibility with specific paint first before over painting large areas.
Do not use on polythene safety backed mirrors, polypropylene or Teflon.
Do not use on surfaces that bleed oils or plasticizers
It is the user s responsibility to determine suitability for use. If in doubt, please contact Technical Services Department for advice.
Not for use as part of a glazing system.
Not for use in aquarium manufacture.
Not for use in conjunction with bitumen, or asphalt.
Yellowing can occur in the dark.

Surface Preparation

The surfaces to be must be clean, dry and free from dust, grease and other contaminants.
Improve adhesion by wiping surface with a suitable proprietary cleaner. Priming is generally not required, although we always advise testing small areas prior to use.


Cut the tip of the cartridge taking care not to damage the thread. Fix nozzle, cut aperture to required width and apply with a standard sealant gun.

Surfaces must be sound, clean, dry and free from dust, grease, loose material etc.
Prime dusty surfaces with SikaBond PVA+ diluted 1:4 with water and allow to dry.
Apply using a standard sealant gun, cut tip of cartridge, apply nozzle and cut an opening to suite the required bead size.
For bonding heavy items (Plasterboard/worktops/wall panels etc) apply adhesive all the way around the edge of the item (30-50mm from edge) and cover back with beads of adhesive at 300mm intervals. Alternatively, apply adhesive direct to battens and press into place.
NOTE. With heavy items, always provide temporary support until the adhesive dries.
For bonding lightweight items (covings, dado rails, skirting etc) apply adhesive to back of item in one or two continuous beads and press immediately into place.
Where gap filling is required, mark the areas where there is a large gap and apply a thicker bead to these areas.
In all cases, clean up excess adhesive immediately with a cloth/white spirits


Specification of the Everbuil SKMULTISWE

Colour: White

Skinning time: 20 40 mins
Cure time: 1-2mm per 24 hours
Hardness Shore A: 50-60
Service temperature resistance: -50 C to + 100 C
Application temperature resistance: +5 C to + 35 C
Specific gravity: 1.7